Want to know who really stole so many US jobs? Ask a robot

That is certainly not true. The US has imposed a much higher cost on its consumers in order to save a limited number of outdated steel jobs. If the US is so hungry for Third World manufacturing jobs, I guess the Chinese, and probably the Mexicans t...

难怪黄老板欣赏防弹少年团 继“Love Yourself”系列专辑在全球掀起音乐热潮之后,防弹少年团(BTS)终于在4月12日携新专辑《MAP OF THE SOUL :PERSONA》归来。 “PERSONA”一词源于希腊文,本指演员扮演角色时所戴的面具,后被心理学家荣格释义为个体应对外界的方式。防弹...

I want a good harvest next year 我想开个小饭馆 I want to start a diner 我想养老金能不能再多一点 I want some more pensions 我想娶个漂亮媳妇 I want a pretty wife 我想天更蓝水更清 I want azurer sky and cleaner water 我想要大家都不打仗 I want a world f...

专辑首波单曲《What You Want》被乐评称为“一首力量强大到足以从根本上震撼摇滚电台的歌曲”,歌曲MV在YouTube点击量也近250万次,不枉“女版林肯公园”,“黑暗摇滚”典范的美誉。歌迷们...

eBay calls itself"the world's online marketplace."It does not sell anything.48,it provides a way fbr others to sell goods and services.People who want to buy something make...

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